"Turkey Talk" - Success, Good Mornings, & The Estimated Turkey Population

Everyday in the woods this spring was an adventure I am grateful for.
Greg tagged out in the first week, however I was left with 2 unfilled tags. Spending everyday in the woods with my dad learning the tricks and trades about hunting, seeing a number of eastern box turtles, and identifying new species of song birds and plants was a great deal of fun. Getting out of bed every morning at 4:30 a.m. was tough some mornings, but it was totally worth it. We had a number of birds so close, yet so far away. A wise man that I once hunted with in New Mexico says "when you hunt and hunt, and don't pursue what you're hunting for, just keep hunting".
This turkey season I didn't count the number of days I hunted, but I know it was a lot. For myself I experienced how highly unpredictable turkeys can really be, & well, you just never know which direction they're coming from. Anyone who's hunted turkeys knows this all too well.
Greg called in 19 birds total. Most of these birds we predicted to be about 2 years in age. We also called in a number of jakes who would have been easy to kill. Several times in pursuit of a gobbling bird we found flocks of turkeys in silence. We had a great season & were able to hear a gobbling bird every morning we hunted. To say the least, the 2016 spring turkey season was a success. The turkey population in our area I've estimated based on the number of birds heard and seen is rather healthy.
I'd love to hear about your turkey hunting experiences, feel free to comment your thoughts.
Happy Hunting,
Cassie Moats